20 September 2007

primark: a bargain shopper's paradise

hello loves!

It's been a slow week, and I expect a long, relaxing weekend. Classes are going smoothly and I was officially given my first big assignments. I think it might be the teaching style of British professors, but for some reason school isn't stressing me out as much as it usually does. I think because so much emphasis is placed on actually LEARNING and not test-taking that I find my classes actually enjoyable and not a burden. I don't feel like my life is revolving around my homework and studying like it usually does. Actually, I would say my classes are actually enhancing my time in London because a lot of the content forces me to get involved with the city, by taking pictures or going on "history walks" or studying London businesses. It's a good feeling.

Tuesday night I went to see Les Miserables with Cory and his flatmate Allison and was completely blown away. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, hands down. I didn't realize the whole show was sung, which actually makes me more excited because now that I downloaded the soundtrack, I can re-live the show over and over and over :) I was teary-eyed through probably the majority of the show... I had all I could do not to completely lose it in the final scene. I don't think there was a dry eye in the entire theatre. I even got choked up when the little girl who played Cosette came on stage because she made miss my little Emily!!!

This week for my History class we did a walk of Medieval London, which included stops in the borough of Clerkenwell and a former monastery and a PLAGUE PIT, which is actually a really pretty park now. I guess the plague has some really long turnaround time, so the best way to make sure it doesn't happen again was to bury the bodies, plant and fertilize over them, and put trees in to secure the soil. We also went to a Medieval church, which happens to be where scenes were shot for Robin Hood Men in Tights and Four Weddings and a Funeral. I love this class!!

Last night I met up with Amy finally and we went out for fish and chips. I took her to this place I heard about called The Fryer's Delight and it was THE BEST fish and chips I have ever had. And reasonably priced too! I was so happy to finally see her and am so excited to venture over to her part of London and explore.

Today I went shopping on Oxford Street and discovered a goldmine of bargain clothes: PRIMARK. Very cute clothes and very cheap prices. I didn't actually end up getting anything though, because I couldn't justify spending money on shirts when I need to eat, haha. I did, however, buy two pashminas from a street vendor for 5 pounds, which was a steal. I plan to buy more. Hopefully I will come home with a rainbow of pashminas.

Tonight Christian and I went down the street to this girl Carolyn's apartment for a little dinner party because we're going to Brussels with her next weekend and we wanted to figure out what kinds of things we're planning to do. As of now, we're taking a tour of a chocolate factory, going to a brewery, visiting the Royal Palace and probably one other cathedral/palace/touristy spot and then doing a day trip to Bruges, which has been said to be more beautiful than Venice!! I'm so excited.

It's a low key night so I'm having some people over to watch a movie. I'm so happy to just sit inside and do nothing... I'm trying to come up with some fun things to do this weekend that I could take pictures of for class. I definitely want to visit the Tate Modern and perhaps go to a foreign film on Sunday. I love me some culture :)

Miss you all so very much!


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