04 October 2007

i shop where the queen shops

hello loves!

Yesterday, after Lucy and I booked our train tickets for Italy, we stopped at Fortnum & Mason. Fortnum & Mason has a Royal Warrant, which means basically, it's where the royal family gets their groceries, china, accessories, beauty supplies, etc, etc. This place was crazy! Four floors of nothing but the best in literally, everything. This is not your average grocery store. Lucy and I of course had to explore the entire store, trying on £300 hats and such, no big deal, really.

The grocery section was obviously my favorite. They had a whole part of the store dedicated to exotic foods (and by foods, i mean bugs)... chocolate covered scorpions, aphrodisiac lollipops from Morocco, lollipops with tequila worms in them, roasted ants, crocodile curry, delicious! Ha, they actually had a little American corner in the store that I was excited to find because they have things you can't get in the regular grocery stores here. I bought some pumpkin pie puree so I can make some later on. I also bought strawberry tea, just to say I bought tea from the same place the queen shops.

After F&M, we went to yet ANOTHER grocery store, Waitrose, to pick up food to make dinner. I hadn't been to Waitrose before and I have to say, I am never shopping at Sainsbury's or Tesco's again! This grocery store is the British equivalent to Wegmans, and for any of you that know me, that means I can literally spend hours shopping in there. For dinner I made basil lime chicken and roasted cauliflower and it was delicious! Then I had Elsa, Alli, and Tuan come over and the rest of the flatties and I had homemade (by me) apple crisp a la mode... SO good. Just the kind of fall treat I needed to keep me going. I really enjoy cooking and baking when I have the time to do it. I'm really going to try to perfect my skills and learn some new recipes while I'm here so when I get home I can blow you all away with my cooking talents (I know my grandmother is probably chuckling to herself at this ambition).


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